6 Reasons Why Your House Isn't Clean + What to do About it

by - June 02, 2018
Do you struggle to have a clean house?

6 Reasons Why Your House Isn't Clean + What to do About it

I am going to share with you what the problems are and how to fix them.

Let's get started.

You don't have time to clean
You might say you don't have time to clean, but when was the last time you spent over an hour watching television or chatting with friends on a mobile device. The fix for this one is easy but will take some time to implement.

Whenever you are about to turn on your laptop, TV, or mobile device, have a specific task in mind which you are going to complete. Once the task is done turn off the device immediately or stick it in your pocket. Never turn on your device with a mindset of, I am going to just check what's going on. That will take up time which could be spent cleaning.

You don't know where to start
My recommendation is to start small. Start by cleaning your stove every day for a week and vacuuming your room. After two weeks or so, add a new task to your list.

You take on too much at once
If you start a project and then get bored, it will probably make more of a mess than it was in the beginning. Break the project into smaller tasks. Each day for a week complete one of those tasks.

Your house is so cluttered it will never be clean
If you have this mindset then you probably are thinking what is the point. Trust me. Follow all of the steps above and start cleaning your house. It won't be clean in one day, but every step you take will be a good start.

No one else is helping
Is there anyone else in your house, and if so are they chipping in and doing their share of the work? If you are cleaning your entire house by yourself, when there are three or more other people in the house, it is time to ask someone else to help you.

You don't have a schedule
If you don't have a planner, bullet journal, or schedule, I highly encourage you to start one! I use a bullet journal and it keeps me organized.
The six reasons why your house isn't clean.
  1. You don't have time to clean
  2. You don't know where to start
  3. You take on too much at once
  4. Your house is so cluttered it will never be clean
  5. No one else is helping
  6. You don't have a schedule
You can do it! Start today to make your house cleaner.


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6 Reasons Why Your House Isn't Clean + What to do About it

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