How to Plan for Your Goals in the New Year

by - December 29, 2018
With a new year coming up very soon, people are starting to think of how they are going to achieve their goals for this year.

How to Plan for Your Goals in the New Year

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Updated for 2024

How to Plan for Your Goals in the New Year

Do you set goals and then not achieve them, or do you not even bother to set goals, because of the failure you have already had at achieving them?

In this post, you will learn some tips you can start implementing right away to plan for the new year.

1. Have a Plan (Of Course 😊)

Definitely, the first step to achieve your goals is to have a plan. If you don't have a plan, you won't have something to track the progress with, and so you may feel as though you aren't progressing at all. 

2. Have a Goal in Which You can Track the Progress of

This goes along with number one. You have to know what you want to accomplish. You also need to be able to track the progress of your chosen goal. The best way to do this is to break it into smaller steps so that you can track the progress of your goal more accurately.

3. Keep Checking in to Make Sure That You are Progressing

The third step is to make sure that you are getting somewhere and that you are actually working towards your goal and achieving it.

That is the beginning outline to follow. Next, we will look into how to actually do this. :)

  1. Decide on your goal (Lose weight, exercise more, drink more water).
  2. Narrow it down (Lose thirty pounds, exercise daily for at least an hour, drink eight cups of water a day).
  3. Pick a start date (On Jan. 1, 2024, I will start this goal).
  4. Decide on an achievement or end date (Lose thirty pounds by Dec. 31, 2024).
  5. Write it down and form a plan (Lose one pound every 10 days).
  6. Create a chart now that your goal is broken down into steps.
  7. Pick days on your calendar when you will sit down and make sure that you are where you want to be in achieving your goal.
  8. Congratulate yourself by making sure that you reward yourself for reaching that goal.

How to Plan for Your Goals in the New Year

If you are having trouble reaching one of your goals, you can of course, look at it and readjust it to meet your needs.

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I hope that you liked this post and that you are on your way to reaching your goals in 2024. Good Luck!
Thank you for helping me to reach my goals of getting lots of repins! :)

How to Plan for Your Goals in the New Year

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