Atomic Habits by James Clear Book Review

by - August 31, 2019
It is hard to be productive. It is hard to create habits. It is hard to reach your goals.

Atomic Habits by James Clear Book Review

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Updated for 2024 - This is still one of the best books I have ever read on creating habits.

Atomic Habits by James Clear Book Review

But... it doesn't have to be. In the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, he gives an easy approach to creating your habits in order to help you reach your goals.

I like how he adds examples in this book, to illustrate exactly how each approach works because he gives multiple approaches to creating habits. 

He also tells how you can break habits one small step at a time.

The book has diagrams and charts in it, that can be referred back to when you are deciding on which approach to use when making a habit or quitting a bad habit.

Atomic Habits by James Clear Book Review

Using a Habit Tracker to Create Habits

He talks about using a habit tracker, which I like because I use a habit tracker in my bullet journal, but he gives a few examples of when not to use a habit tracker.

He talks about making sure that you are accountable when starting habits, and how you can do that by writing it down, having an accountability partner, etc.

One of my favorite ideas, which is in the book, is habit stacking, which to me looks like an easy way to build upon habits and create new ones.

Habit stacking is probably something that I am going to try out soon! :)

There is also a Clear Habits Journal which can help you implement the instructions in the book on creating new habits.

Atomic Habits by James Clear Book Review

Overall, this book is very helpful, and it has some ideas in it, which I have never heard of before, like "habit stacking". I think that this book is a great book to read if you are looking for a new way to create habits that you actually stick to.

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Atomic Habits by James Clear Book Review

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