36 Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for When You are Bored
Are you bored? It is just a guess, but you are probably on home quarantine and you are looking for something fun to do because you have been bored at home for a month or more now. You also like to bullet journal, or are interested in starting a bullet journal. Am I right? Yep, I thought so.

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Updated for 2024
You are in the right place because, in this post, I will share with you a bunch of ideas for layouts you can make when you are bored. I also have two other home quarantine posts, which you can read below if you are interested in being more productive while you are at home.
Bullet journaling is a great way to relax and be creative, but it is also great for productivity. Some of these layouts are going to be purely for fun, and others will be for productivity, so you can pick to make a layout that you are in the mood for.
You might want to close down some of your tabs because a lot of these ideas have links to help you get started making the layout you choose. If you are like me, then you always have like ten tabs open. :) Let's get right into the bullet journal layouts that you can make when you are bored!

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for When You are Bored
1. Quote Page - Fun to make, inspirational, and you can practice your calligraphy skills too! Read some tips on how to make your bullet journal quote page here.
2. Wardrobe Collection - Do you know how many items you have in your wardrobe? And what about all of those items in your wardrobe you never wear? Change that today, by reading this post here.
3. Wishlist - Everyone has something they want so why not make a list. Then the next time someone asks you what you want for your birthday, you have your list all ready to go.
4. A Vision Board - This one definitely doesn't have to be made in your bullet journal or planner. You can make a huge one to stick on your wall or you can make it small enough to keep in your pocket. Read about how to make one in your planner or bullet journal here.
5. Habits to Make - I am always trying to start new habits, that I track in my monthly bullet journal layouts. When I am ready to start tracking a new one, I have an already made list of habits that I want to start.
6. Books to Read - You probably can't go to the library right now, but you can always make a list of books to read for when they open up again. I am a fan of reading print books, but you can always find digital versions online too. If you need a book recommendation, then read my review of the book Atomic Habits and add it to your list.
7. A Goal Map - If you have a goal you want to reach, then consider making a goal map to figure out where you want to start. Read how I make goal maps here.
8. Things to do When Bored - I have a layout for this in my bullet journal. When I am bored, I can flip to it and pick out something to do or I can add another idea to this layout. You can grab some ideas to add to your list here.
9. Movies and TV Shows to Watch - Remember when your friend told you of a great TV show or movie to watch, and then you forgot to write it down. When you wanted to watch a movie, you couldn't remember what it was called! Don't let this happen to you again, by making a layout for all of the TV shows and movies you want to watch.
10. Bullet Journal Layout Ideas - Don't forget to make a layout for all of the layouts you want to make. The next time you are bored and you want to bullet journal you can flip to that spread and then get right into making a new layout, instead of getting stuck scrolling on Pinterest. I have been there! Plus, you can add the layouts on this list, that you want to make some time, to that layout too, so you don't forget them. :)

11. Courses to Take or Courses Tracker - Because of quarantine a lot of places are offering their courses for free, and you might just want to take advantage of that. Make a list of the courses you want to take, or a tracker for the courses you are taking.
12. Wardrobe Color Palette - If you are new to the concept of making a capsule wardrobe, then you can read Capsule Wardrobe 101 + a List of Must-Haves. Make a layout in your bullet journal for all of the colors you have in your closet, and if you are interested in making a color palette for your wardrobe, then read this post here.
13. Things to do When Quarantine is Over - Are you wishing quarantine will end? Me too, but since it is still going, you can make a list of all of the fun things you are going to do when it finally does end.
14. Bucket List - This layout idea is similar to the one above, but it can be for any time period. For example, I did a bucket list in my planner last summer, and I worked to complete every item on my list. If you want to make your own and see what mine looked like, then you can go here.
15. Things to Look Up - Every time you have an idea of something you want or need to look up, but you don't have your phone or laptop lying around, you can write it down on this spread instead and look it up the next time you have your phone or laptop on.
16. Font Styles - Make a layout for all of the bullet journal font styles you want to use! Here are some ideas to get you started with making this layout. The next time you don't know how to start a layout, you can go to that layout for some inspiration.
17. Daily Routine - If your daily routine is all out of whack because of quarantine, you can start a new one right now by making a bullet journal layout for it. Read this post to see how I made my daily routine.
18. Marker Swatches - Organize all of your pens and markers by creating a layout with a swatch of each color. You can number them, or write down what the brand of the marker is, or you could even write down the date you bought the marker, to see how long it lasts.
19. Washi Tape Swatches - Same as the idea above but do it for your washi tape instead. The next time you create a layout, you don't have to pull out all of your washi tapes, to figure out which one you want to use or if you even want to use washi tape on that layout.
20. Project Ideas - Make a list of all of the DIY projects you want to do. When you are bored like right now when you clicked on this post, you can go make one of the fun DIY projects on your list instead of staying bored.

21. About Me - Have some fun and create a layout all about yourself. It will be fun to look back at when you have totally filled up your bullet journal. Start your "About Me" bullet journal layout, by clicking right here.
22. Running To-Do List - Now that you have more time at home, it is time to tackle your to-do list. You honestly don't have any more excuses left to not get those items done. You know, the tasks you are always saving for later. Start by sitting down and making a list of everything you need to do, and then go from there.
24. Brain Dump - Sometimes you have so many things you want to do, that you just don't know where to start. You can fix this, by making a brain dump layout in your bullet journal!
25. Word of the Year - A word of the year, is when you pick one word, and you focus on that word the entire year. My word of the year is "create", so I have a layout that says the word "create" and around it, I wrote everything I am creating or want to create this year. You can get started with picking your word of the year here and it is totally fine if you don't start at the beginning of the year.
26. In Review - Make a "Month in Review", "Year in Review", or even a "Quarantine in Review" layout. I haven't done one of these layouts yet, but I am planning on making one at the end of the year.
27. Recipes to Make - Home quarantine is a great time to make new recipes because you are at home, and, everyone has to eat. You might as well make it fun, by trying out some new recipes!
28. Favorites - This layout idea is kind of like #26. You make a list of your favorite things. It can be in a certain time period like "Quarantine Favorites" or "April Favorites". It is a fun way to remember what your favorite things were for that time. You can also call them "Highlights", which is what I do.
29. Food Log - Now that you are on home quarantine, you can't go out to eat. So that is why now is the perfect time to start some healthy eating habits! Start your layout by reading Kim's tips here.
30. Best of 2024 - Make doodles or write down everything you have accomplished or done this year. I have one of these layouts and it is nice to have because when it is the end of the year I can look back at this layout and see everything I have accomplished.

32. Exercise Tracker - I have to work out at home now because I am on home quarantine. Motivate yourself to exercise by making a layout with a tracker on it, and a list of your favorite places to find workout videos. You can read these ideas to get you started with making your fitness plan.
33. Doodle Ideas - Make a layout just for doodling. Then when you aren't feeling as creative, you can come to this layout to get some ideas for decorating your other layouts with cute doodles.
34. Favorite Blogs - Never forget what your favorite blogs are called again! Just write down the name of the blog and what the domain is, and you are good to go.
35. Gratitude List - Make a list of everything you are grateful for. You can see what my gratitude layout looks like in the picture above. I have a small space for every day of the year. By the end of the year, I will have a list of 365 things I am grateful for.
36. Cleaning Tracker - If you always have trouble keeping your house clean, then make a cleaning tracker to help keep yourself accountable. Here are a bunch of layout ideas you can use to start cleaning your house.

Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for When You are Bored
That is the whole list of 36 different ideas of bullet journal layouts to make when you are bored! I hope that you found at least one new layout that you can make.
It is hard being in quarantine all of the time, but when it is over, do you want to come out of it a better person or the same person? I know I want to come out of home quarantine a better person than I was before, so I am using this time to practice my skills and learn new ones. You can come out of home quarantine a better person too! Even your small decisions add up so make some of these bullet journal layouts and have some fun doing what you love!
I hope that you liked this post. If you did, you can read some more of my posts below...
- How to be Insanely Productive During Quarantine
- Using Ecoline Brush Pens in My Bullet Journal
- Fun + Productive Things to do While at Home
- How to Bullet Journal When Feeling Uninspired
Have a great week and hang in there! :)

Share this post with your friends, so they aren't bored!