8 Tips You Need for Spring Cleaning Your Wardrobe
Have you done your spring cleaning yet? If not, then you are in luck because today I have some tips to help you finally spring clean your wardrobe. You might be groaning, because you don't want to do spring cleaning, (To be honest, sometimes I don't like spring cleaning either.) but you have no excuses if you are on home quarantine, and it has to be done sometime.

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Updated for 2024
You might even find an article of clothing you thought you had lost! At any rate, you will end up with an organized wardrobe that will help you save time getting dressed in the morning because it will be so much easier to find what you want to wear.
And if you are still making excuses that you don't have time to do spring cleaning, then you need to read these tips on how to be insanely productive during quarantine.
Okay. Are you in front of your closet and ready to do some spring wardrobe cleaning? Then let's get started! Your wardrobe will be organized in no time at all!

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And if you are still making excuses that you don't have time to do spring cleaning, then you need to read these tips on how to be insanely productive during quarantine.
Okay. Are you in front of your closet and ready to do some spring wardrobe cleaning? Then let's get started! Your wardrobe will be organized in no time at all!

8 Tips You Need for Spring Cleaning Your Wardrobe
1. Get Everything in Your Wardrobe Out
Pull all of your clothes out and put them on the floor. Don't forget your shoes, or your handbags, or your jewelry, or your scarves, or etc. I could go on, but I think you get the point. :) Pull out everything, even the clothes you know you love and that fit well.
Make piles on the floor of all of your pants, shirts, skirts, etc, just so it is easy to see how many articles you have of each.
2. Try Everything On
Time-consuming, I know, but it will really help you to decide what you want to keep in your wardrobe and what you want to get rid of.
When trying every item on, decide...
- If it fits well.
- If you would actually wear it.
- If you like it.
- If it works well with other pieces in your wardrobe.
- If it is comfortable.
- If you would wear it regularly in the next couple of years.
- If it is in good condition.
Now it might take some time to do this for every item, but in the end, you will have a pile of items that meet these criteria, and a pile of items that don't. Good job! That is exactly what you want.
3. Get Rid of Items that are Unwearable
If it doesn't fit well or is holey and stained, then you don't want to keep it. Grab a box and put all of these items of clothing in it. If it is something that can be fixed, then put it in a separate box, and make sure that you put it on your to-do list to fix it. Be honest with yourself, if you aren't ever going to fix it, then put it in the box of clothing to get rid of or give away.
There is no use in keeping items that you never wear and it could be making it harder for you to find the items in your wardrobe that you do love and wear.
If you are trying to lose weight, or if you have items that you are keeping for sentimental reasons (bridesmaid dress, costumes, graduation gown), then consider having a small separate area in your closet for these items. Just don't have them mixed in with your other clothing.
If you are keeping it because it was expensive, and you don't want to waste money, then make sure you read this paragraph. If you aren't wearing it or using it, then technically you are already wasting the money. Do yourself a favor and donate it or sell it so it doesn't take up your closet space.

4. Make Sure Your Clothing Matches
Okay. The hardest part is over. You can give yourself a pat on the back, but the decluttering is not over yet. Hang in there because the fun bit is coming up soon!
You should now have a pile of clothing that fits well, and you already wear, or you can see yourself wearing regularly in the next couple of years.
You might wonder why you never wear some of the items that made it into the pile of clothing. If it fits well, and you like it, then it is probably because you don't have anything to wear it with!
Start putting together outfits with each item in your wardrobe either by laying them flat on the ground or by trying them on, if you aren't fed up with trying on clothes yet. You want to ideally be able to make at least five outfits with each piece in your wardrobe.
5. Take Photos of the Outfits You Really Like
When you find an outfit, you really like, take a picture of it and save it somewhere on your phone where you will be able to find it easily. Make sure that every item is in at least one outfit. This way, the next time you don't know what to wear, and all of your favorite pieces are in the wash, you can open up your phone and find an outfit, that uses one of your less worn pieces.
If you find a piece, that doesn't match with any other items in your wardrobe, then you have two options: to donate it, or to buy an item that matches it.
6. Make a List of Every Item in Your Wardrobe
I hope you are still in your room with all of your clothes around you. Grab your bullet journal, planner, or even just a piece of paper and write down every item in your wardrobe.
It will help you see how many items you have of each if you use headings like "Tops", "Bottoms", "Handbags", etc.
Once you have your list, then you are ready for the next step.
7. Make a Shopping List
Now it is time for the fun part! If you decide to keep the item that doesn't match anything else in your wardrobe, then you will have some shopping to do!
If you decluttered a lot of your wardrobe, then you will also have some shopping to do. :) But don't grab your laptop just yet!
Looking at the list of everything you have in your wardrobe, decide what items you need to add to your wardrobe. If you have a list of what you need to buy, then you will be more likely to end up with an item that you love to wear, versus an item that sits at the bottom of your drawer because it was an impulse buy.
You can read some tips and best practices for shopping for clothing and saving money here. Plus, when you buy something, make sure you add it to your list, so it is always up to date.

8. Organize Your Wardrobe
Now all you have left to do is to organize your closet. There are lots of different ways you can organize your closet. It will depend on how big of a space you have, and how you prefer to store your clothing (hanging them up versus folded in a drawer).
Here are just a few tips you can use when organizing your closet...
- Make sure there is enough room in the space for everything of that type of item. You don't want half of your socks in one drawer, and the other half in another drawer.
- If you have a large wardrobe, then putting similar colored items together can help you save time.
- You can also separate your clothing by what you use it for. (formal wear, workwear, athleisure)
- Make it easy to get to all of the items in your wardrobe so you can wear all of them regularly.
- If you have very distinct seasons where you live, then you might consider putting some of your clothing in storage for certain parts of the year, and then pulling it out at the right time.
If you want some more help on how to organize your closet, then you can check out this post here.
8 Tips You Need for Spring Cleaning Your Wardrobe
And there you have it! These are the eight tips you need for spring cleaning your wardrobe. Just a quick recap so you don't forget any of them.
- Get Everything Out
- Try Everything On
- Get Rid of Items that are Unwearable
- Make Sure that Every Item in Your Wardrobe Matches with Other Pieces
- Take Photos of the Outfits You Really Like
- Make a List of Every Item in Your Wardrobe
- Make a Shopping List For Items You Need to Add
If you liked this post, then consider reading these ones too.
- 3 Ways to Organize Your Closet to Save Time
- How to Create a Color Palette for Your Wardrobe
- How to Unclutter Your Wardrobe + 3 Day Challenge
- Capsule Wardrobing in My Bullet Journal + Planner
I would love to hear how it went! Did these tips help you spring clean your wardrobe?

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