Healthy Eating + Fitness Tracking in My Bullet Journal

by - July 11, 2020
Exercising and eating healthy is always important, but especially during quarantine, when you can't go to the gym to exercise, and you are at home trying to combat boredom, it is important to stay healthy. I made this fitness schedule and this healthy eating layout in my bullet journal to help me stay healthy during quarantine.

Healthy Eating + Fitness Tracking in My Bullet Journal

Side Note - This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you buy something from one of these links, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. For more information, you can read my privacy policy. Thank you for supporting my blog. :)

Updated for 2024

Side Note II - Please note that this is how I am using my bullet journal to exercise and eat healthy during quarantine. I am in no way saying that this is how you should eat or exercise.

Healthy Eating + Fitness Tracking in My Bullet Journal

Quarantine is a great time to start new habits because your regular schedule has most likely already been interrupted.

So, if you are looking to start exercising more frequently, to wake up earlier in the morning, or to eat more vegetables then now is a good time to start! Even if you aren't in quarantine, it is still important to exercise regularly and to eat healthily. Using your bullet journal can help you do just that!

Let's get right into the post by first taking a look at my workout bullet journal layout.

Healthy Eating + Fitness Tracking in My Bullet Journal

How I am Tracking Fitness in My Bullet Journal


A good place to start your fitness bullet journal layout is to define your goals. Why are you working out? What goals do you want to achieve?

At the top of the first page of my bullet journal layout, I added a section for my fitness goals for the year. I already filled it all the way up though, so I may start writing goals in my achievements section too.


Below that, I have a section for achievements, but as I mentioned above, I may start writing goals in this section too.

In the achievements section, I could write down things that I have achieved that are helping me get closer to my final fitness goals written in the section above.

For example, one of my goals for the year is to do a needle. In this section, I might write down that I did a scorpion, and then the date. This way, you can tell that you are actually improving and getting closer to reaching your fitness goals.

Healthy Eating + Fitness Tracking in My Bullet Journal

My Workout Schedule

Below that, I have my actual workout schedule. I didn't want it to be too rigid because I like to change things up, so I decided not make it rigid. I can write down what I do each day and for how long I did it. Then I use color-coding so I can see at a glance whether I did stretching, strength, or cardio.

I wrote the dates in the corner of each box with a grey Zebra Mildliner (My review of the Zebra Mildliners). Using a grey Zebra Mildliner or pencil, I can also plan my workouts in advance, and change it up, whenever I get bored. Plus, if you decide to do something else, then you can just write over it, and it won't be noticeable.

Healthy Eating + Fitness Tracking in My Bullet Journal

This workout layout goes all the way to December because that is when I am planning on starting a new bullet journal. I had some extra room at the end, so I drew some pointe shoes and I wrote the quote "Don't practice until you get it right, practice until you can't get it wrong".

That is it! Every day all I have to do is write in what I do for exercise, and then color-code it. It is pretty easy to do, and you will be more motivated to exercise if you don't like having blank spaces in your bullet journal. :)

Healthy Eating in My Bullet Journal

Healthy Eating + Fitness Tracking in My Bullet Journal

I wanted to make my eating tracker really simple. I didn't want to have to write down what I am eating every day, so I decided to make mine in a habit tracker format.

What I am tracking...

  • Beans
  • Fruit
  • Chia seeds
  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • Greens
  • No Treats
  • No Snacks
  • Berries
  • Spices

This list is based on The Daily Dozen by Doctor Michael Gregor, but I adapted some of it my own needs, like not tracking exercise because I already have an exercising layout.

Healthy Eating + Fitness Tracking in My Bullet Journal

Every day, I just have to put a dot next to what I ate or in some cases like treats, didn't eat. If I did it the day before, then I connect it with the day before. At a glance, I can see how well I have been eating. If I complete everything, then I get to fill in the box on the side. As you can see, this hasn't happened yet. :)

Healthy Eating + Fitness Tracking in My Bullet Journal

I hope this post helped you get some inspiration for your healthy eating and fitness bullet journal layouts.

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Healthy Eating + Fitness Tracking in My Bullet Journal

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