Bullet Journaling for Bloggers
Blogging takes a lot of work and effort. It can be easy to fall behind in your work or to have to come with quality content on the spot. And then what about promoting your articles, keeping up with blog comments, and growing your email list? You need to have a way to keep your entire blog and business organized and running smoothly. Keep reading to see if bullet journaling could be the answer to all of your blogging organization problems!

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Updated for 2024
Bullet Journaling for Bloggers
If you don't know what bullet journaling is and how it can make your blog and business run more smoothly, you can read Bullet Journaling: What Is It? to understand what bullet journaling is. Then come back over here to see how bullet journaling can up your blogging game!
If you are not a blogger and you clicked on this article out of curiosity, you can still apply some of these layouts to your personal and work life.
Please note that this article is a long one because blogging has many aspects to it, so if you don't have enough time to read the whole thing now, you can always pin it for later and come back to it when you have time. :)
Should I Use a Separate Bullet Journal For My Blog?
This is one of the first questions I had when I started thinking about setting up layouts for my blog in my bullet journal.
The answer is, it depends on how many layouts you want to have for your business, and whether you already use bullet journaling for your personal life.
Do you want to keep your personal and work life separate? If you do, then you could decide to use a separate notebook, or you could have the front half of your notebook be for your personal life, and the second half of your notebook be for your professional life.
I decided that I didn't care about having my personal and work life separate, so I have my blog layouts mixed in with all of my other layouts. :)
Now let's get into the bullet journal layouts!

Year at a Glance
The first bullet journal layout every blogger should have is some sort of way to plan ahead. You definitely do not want to be creating content on the spur of the moment especially when you have deadlines to meet. It's like doing public speaking without preparing! Why would you want to do that to yourself?
This first layout is a very broad overview of the dates I need to remember. As you can see, I use this layout for my personal and work life. I have one column for work and one for personal, and then on the opposite page, I use symbols so I can my schedule at a glance.

Things to Look Up
This is another layout that I use for my personal and work life. As a blogger, there is always more you can learn and the blogging world is always changing. From learning SEO to the Pinterest algorithm changing, to photography skills, you will always be able to make your blog and writing better.
So why not have one handy layout, where you can write down everything you need to remember to look up or to ask? If you have a question, you can always jump over to my contact page and send me a message. I always reply back personally. :)

Blogging Courses List
Speaking of learning, taking courses is a good way to learn new information about blogging. Plus if you paid good money for a course, you will want to remember to actually finish it. I am guilty of starting courses and then forgetting to finish them.
This layout is a list of courses I want to take, but you could also make a layout for just one course, that lists the sections the course contains. Then when you finish a section you can cross it off, and keep yourself accountable.
Currently, I have been finding the courses on Coursera helpful for learning more about running a business.

Blog Design Mood board
While some people have a mood board for their blog on Pinterest, you might decide to have it in your bullet journal.
On this layout, I have some photos from my blog, the color scheme with hex codes, my mission statement, my blog topics, and my logos. This layout has a lot of my basic blog information, and so when I need it, I know where to find it.
If you are just starting out, you can use a layout like this to decide the feel you want your blog to have and you might want to sketch out a picture of what you want your blog theme to look like.

Blog Post Ideas
My most helpful blogging layout for sure! This bullet journal layout is a big help for when I am deciding what articles to write. I use the key, to make sure that I post a variety of content, and not too much content in the same section.
Whenever you have a blog post idea, you can write it down so you don't forget it, when you are planning your blog content for the month.
I use this layout, along with my monthly layouts, which you will see in a few moments, to plan all of my blog content.

User Profile
If you are a beginner blogger, you are probably wondering why I would have a layout like this in my bullet journal.
One of the most important things you can do when you start blogging is to decide who you are writing for. If you try to appeal to everyone, then no one ends up reading your articles. Not everyone has the same sense of humor and the same style of speaking and that's okay.
Taking a couple of minutes to decide who you are speaking to will help you improve your writing. The layout above is my user profile, and that is who I am speaking to. if you don't fit into the profile and you enjoy reading my articles, then go ahead and keep reading them. :)

For this bullet journal layout, I was planning on writing "collaborations", but I ran out of room, so it became "collaborate". :)
This layout has a list of companies and bloggers I have/am going to reach out to. I included sections for the collaboration type, sending a follow-up email, and whether I am following them on social media or not.

Blog Updates
The work never ends. Those posts that you posted last year, are they still up to date? If you talk about your life and your blog is filled with stories, then you might not need to update your blog, but other than that you don't have an excuse.
People want up to date information. If you never update your blog posts, then the information on your blog may not be relevant. It won't be as helpful so it might not get a share.
I made this layout because I am updating all of my older blog posts, but you might use a layout like this for all blog updates you need to do. Like re-registering your domain, or updating your Pinterest board descriptions.

Blog Schedule
Now we get to my main blog planner. I use a dutch-door layout for my blog planner, so I can see my to-do list from whatever page I am on.
On this first layout, I have my blog schedule, which is very important. In the online world, consistency is key. You don't get 100,000 pageviews on your blog by posting once and then hoping your one article will go viral.
And you can't just post either, you have to promote your articles consistently too! Below my weekly schedule, I wrote down my current plan for promoting my posts.

Monthly Planning
In the picture above, you can see how my dutch-door layout works. I have my running to-do list on one side, and the dutch-door layout on the other side, so I can flip to my plan for the month and see my to-do list at the same time.
On my monthly layouts, I highlight the days I am planning on my blog, and I write down holidays, so I can plan themed content. At the bottom of the layout, I have a section for writing down notes.
Believe me, planning ahead takes a lot of the stress out of blogging simply because you don't have to come up with good article ideas as you are sitting down to write.

Next Year
Planning into 2021 might seem a little crazy right? While I might not be planning articles for 2021 right now, I have this section, so I can write down updates for my site and new ideas I want to test out.
I can also write down important dates for next year, like re-registering my domain because I can't forget to do that!
On this side of my blog planner, I also have another running to-do list for when my other one fills up.

Blog Statistics
And of course, blog statistics. I track my statistics on a monthly basis, so I can keep on doing the same strategy, or I can adjust and try out a different strategy if the strategy I am using is not working.
At first, you might want to track your blogging statistics on a weekly or even a daily basis, but this will become time-consuming and in the long run, it probably won't help you.
I track social media followers, email subscribers, and the number of monthly users on my blog.
Bullet Journaling Layout Ideas for Bloggers
The bullet journal layouts above are all of the pages I am currently using for my blog. Below are some ideas for bullet journal layouts that I am thinking about making or planning on making.
- Passwords - Every social media account, scheduling tool, and analytics tool needs a different password, right? I forget my passwords all of the time so this layout idea is one I need to make! This will also be helpful just so you can remember all of the programs you have signed up for!
- Blogs to Comment on/Favorite Blogs - Commenting on blogs is a great way to get backlinks, and it is always annoying when you forget the URL of a blog you enjoy reading. :)
- Budgeting - I am planning on setting up a layout for my blog budget very soon, so I can keep track of money earned, and how much I have spent.
If you liked this post, you might also enjoy reading some of my other articles on bullet journaling. :)
- Plan With Me August Bullet Journal Layouts
- Healthy Eating + Fitness Tracking in My Bullet Journal
- 36 Bullet Journal Layout Ideas for When You are Bored
- Using Ecoline Brush Pens in My Bullet Journal
I hoped you liked this article and that it gave you some ideas for your blogging bullet journal! If you have any questions about blogging or bullet journaling, just leave a comment below. I would be more than happy to answer them for you! :)

If you found this article helpful, remember to pin it, so you can look back at it later. Thank you!

Omg I love this! - I think it is super hard to remember all that you have to do unless you write it all down and this way it looks beautiful at the same time - it is a win, win !
ReplyDeleteAw, thank you so much, Poppy! Yes, it is a lot easier to remember what I have to do when I write it down. :)