Have you not wanted to open and use your bullet journal for days or even weeks? Maybe you feel like your bullet journal just isn't working for you anymore. It isn't helping you to be more productive, you are too busy to create layouts, and it just takes up more of your time. Well, today I have some tips that might be able to help you get your bullet journal back on track!
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Updated for 2024 - I have taken a few breaks from bullet journaling over the past couple years, but I always go back to it because I have found it to be the most effective planning system for me!
If you came to this post because you are curious about what bullet journaling is, you can read Bullet Journaling: What Is It? to learn what bullet journaling is all about.
I started bullet journaling in 2018 and after a few months, it felt like it wasn't working for me anymore, so I went back to using a planner for a while, and then I used a combined planner/bullet journal and now I'm back to using a full bullet journal.
Over these three years, I've learned a good bit about how to make an organization system work, which in this case, we are talking about bullet journals so let's get right into the reasons why your bullet journal isn't working for you!
Knowing why your bullet journal isn't working for you is half of the battle!
6 Reasons Why Your Bullet Journal Isn't Working for You
1. Trying to Make Each Layout Perfect
2. Too Many Decorations
3. The Wrong Layouts
4. Making Your Bullet Journal Too Complicated
5. You Don't Have a Routine
6. You are Using the Wrong Supplies
6 Reasons Why Your Bullet Journal Isn't Working for You
- Why I Stopped Using a Bullet Journal (My 2018 post)
- How to Start a Planning Routine + Maintain It
- 53 Things to Track in Your Bullet Journal or Planner
- How to Bullet Journal Even When You are Super Busy