10 Layouts That Will Instantly Help You to be More Organized

by - February 20, 2021

 Don't we all wish we were a little (or maybe a lot) more organized? Sometimes, it can feel like nothing ever gets done. You feel like you are going in a circle trying to get everything done, and you end up being stuck in a never-ending loop. It can be extremely tiring and discouraging, so here are 10 layouts you can add to your bullet journal that will instantly help you to be more organized!

10 Layouts That Will Instantly Help You to be More Organized

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Updated for 2024

If you don't know what a bullet journal is and how it can help you to organize your life, you can read Bullet Journaling: What is It? to get started.

And without further ado, let's get right into the 10 bullet journal layouts that will instantly help you to be more organized.

10 Layouts That Will Instantly Help You to be More Organized

1. A Brain Dump

"What is a brain dump?", you might be asking yourself. A brain dump is a simple layout. Just turn to a new page in your bullet journal and start writing down everything that is in your brain. Literally, just dump it on the page.

After, you do that you can start organizing everything into sections on a different page. To-do lists, things you want to do, things you want to remember, etc. This should help you to feel more organized and focused.

2. Recipes, Recipes to Make, Meal Planner

Your recipes might be all over the place, or your eating habits might be all over the place. Now is the time to get all of that stuff organized!

You might want to create a meal planner or a list of recipes that you regularly make. In the image above, you can see I have a list of recipes made because in 2021 I am working on trying new recipes so when I make a new recipe, I write it down on the list.

10 Layouts That Will Instantly Help You to be More Organized

3. Daily Routine

Maybe you are feeling unorganized and unproductive because you don't have an organized day. You can do this in two ways.

1. You could make an ideal/dream daily routine. (The daily routine you aspire to have.)
2. You could make a daily routine of what your current routine looks like so you can see what you are doing wrong.

You can read How to Start a Daily Routine You Will Actually Stick to, to get tips and ideas on how to create an organized daily routine using your bullet journal!

4. Weekly Schedule

Going along with a daily routine, if each of the days of the week looks different for you, then you may need to have a weekly schedule to stay organized.

I usually make a weekly schedule at the beginning of the school year, just so I can remember when all of my classes are, etc. and I don't forget anything.

10 Layouts That Will Instantly Help You to be More Organized

5. A Daily To-Do List

A daily, weekly, or monthly to-do list might be just what you need. Just turn to a new page in your bullet journal and start writing down everything you need to do for the day, week, month and you can start feeling more organized. :)

If you are someone who hates making to-do lists, you can use a sticky note for every day and maybe just write down the top three things you want to get done for the day and if you get those three things done, then it was a productive day.

6. A Done List

Maybe you get things done every day, but you just feel like there is too much to do. In that case, you should try out making a done list. At the end of the day, when you feel like you didn't get anything done, you can make your list and see that you actually did get things done!

I do this sometimes, and it helps me to see that I actually did quite a bit done, and it just feels like I didn't because my to-do list was so long.

10 Layouts That Will Instantly Help You to be More Organized

7. Wardrobe Layout

When was the last time you organized your closet? Yep, I knew it was something you haven't done in a while!

In the picture above, you can see that I use a capsule wardrobe, and you might choose to do something different, but your bullet journal can be a great help with organizing your closet.

Plus, the next time you feel like you don't have anything to wear, you can look at your layout and realize that you actually do have something to wear!

You might want to check out How to Plan Your Capsule Wardrobe in a Bullet Journal to get started.

8. Year at a Glance/Future Log

Being organized for the future will help you to be less stressed and more in control of your life. So plan ahead! Whether you use a year at a glance, a future log, or a monthly log, it will help you to be more organized.

10 Layouts That Will Instantly Help You to be More Organized

9. Goals for the Year

Just sitting down and analyzing what your goals for the year are can help you be more organized and focused.

If you already have your goals for the year planned out, then you can check-in and see how they are going. It is a good idea to do this at least monthly so you can see your progress and adjust them if needed.

10. Exercise Planner

Everyone should exercise and it might be hard to keep on a schedule. So make a layout that will help you to keep track of what you do each day. This will help you to be more motivated to exercise and it will help you to stay organized with your exercise habits.

You can see my fitness and healthy eating bullet journal layouts in the post Healthy Eating + Fitness Tracking in My Bullet Journal.

10 Layouts That Will Instantly Help You to be More Organized

10 Layouts That Will Instantly Help You to be More Organized

Becoming organized isn't going to happen in a day, but with the help of these layouts, you can become more organized bit by bit!

If you liked this post, you can check out these ones too.

Thank you so much for reading this post! Have a productive week!
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10 Layouts That Will Instantly Help You to be More Organized

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