Ways to Motivate Yourself to Reach Your Goals

by - March 27, 2021

 Motivating yourself to reach your goals can be sooo HARD. We all know how the cycle goes. You get enough motivation to start your goal and you are really excited! And then you do the goal for a few days and then it starts to be a burden so you put it off and then you forget to do it one day and then the next and the next. Then you find a new goal and the cycle starts over again.

Ways to Motivate Yourself to Reach Your Goals

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Updated for 2024

Well, don't worry because today I have some solutions!

I have trouble reaching my goals sometimes too and finding the motivation to keep working at reaching my goals can be tough. If you have trouble reaching your goals, just know that you are not alone, and hopefully, these tips will help you keep on going!

So let's get right into the tips to help motivate you to reach your goals!

Ways to Motivate Yourself to Reach Your Goals

1. Make the Goal Smaller

It's great to "reach for the stars", but everyone has to start somewhere and the best way to make sure you stick with it is to start smaller.

For example, if you want to exercise every day for an hour, that is a great goal, but if you are just getting into exercising it might be hard to keep up with so instead make a goal of exercising for maybe just 15 minutes a day and anything you do over the fifteen-minute mark is bonus.

The book Tiny Habits goes more into this method, and I sincerely recommend checking the book out because it has some really good tips in it!

Make your goal smaller, and you will be more likely to achieve it, and then if you go even farther past that, then you are just going the extra mile!

Ways to Motivate Yourself to Reach Your Goals

2. Break It Up + Track It

Going along with the first one. You are more likely to do your goal if it is not so big. Break up your goal into small steps.

I use my bullet journal to break up my goals into smaller sections and then track them as I complete them. I have a different layout for each of the goals I am trying to reach this year. Plus, I have a layout with all of my goals for 2021 on it so I can see at a glance what all of my goals are.

Ways to Motivate Yourself to Reach Your Goals

3. Reward Yourself

This is a cliche one, but it works! Make a list of rewards that you can get for yourself when you complete your goal or a section of your goal.

It doesn't have to be something you buy. It can be something small, like making a treat for yourself, or going for a long walk. Basically, just anything you really enjoy doing!

4. Focus on Progress

Focus on progress and not the end result. For example, your goal could be to lose 15 pounds or it could be to workout consistently and eat more healthily. Of course, you would have to make the second one more specific, but the second one focuses more on progress and not the end result.

Ways to Motivate Yourself to Reach Your Goals

Ways to Motivate Yourself to Reach Your Goals

Okay so here is a quick recap. You might want to write these down in your bullet journal.

  1. Make the Goal Smaller
  2. Break It Up + Track It
  3. Reward Yourself
  4. Focus on Progress

Plus, if you liked this post, you might like these ones as well!

Have a fun and productive week!
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Ways to Motivate Yourself to Reach Your Goals

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