How to Re-Evaluate Your Yearly Goals

by - June 12, 2021

 It's almost halfway through 2024, which means it's time to check in on your goals for the year and see how much progress you have made! It's also time to re-evaluate your goals, because over six months, a lot can change and some of your goals may no longer be relevant. It can be easy to get off track, and hard to get back on track to reaching your goals, but it is possible! You are in the right place if you want to knock your goals out of the park this year!

How to Re-Evaluate Your Yearly Goals

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Updated for 2024

Whether you only have a few goals for the year, or you have a list of more than 20 goals (like me!), this post is for you. Whether you are right on track to reach your goals, or you have barely started any of your goals for the year, this post is for you.

Even if you haven't made any goals for the year, but you want to, this post is for you! If you want to set some goals for the second half of the year, but you don't know how to get started, you can read How I'm Setting Goals + Managing My To-Do List in 2021.

Some people check in on their goals quarterly, or even monthly. It's all up to you, and what you prefer depending on how many goals you have, how complicated your goals are, and how much time you have. The bullet journal layout I made to re-evaluate my goals for 2021 can be tweaked slightly to work for any time period.

I'm glad you are here! Let's start re-evaluating our goals for 2024!

How to Re-Evaluate Your Goals for 2024

1. Make a List of All Your Goals for the Year

Grab a piece of paper or your planner or bullet journal and make a list of all of the goals you set at the beginning of the year. It's okay, if you haven't started some of these goals, or if you have already completed some of these goals, or even if some of these goals are no longer relevant to you. We'll get into that later on in this post. :)

Also if you have some new goals that you would like to complete by the end of the year, you can list them down here as well. I know a lot can change in six months so you might have new priorities and some of your goals may no longer be relevant!

How to Re-Evaluate Your Yearly Goals

2. Cross Out the Goals that Are No Longer Relevant

There is no shame in changing your goals! Life changes and your goals change too! You might think that somehow, you are admitting that you didn't reach a goal, or that it is too hard to reach when you change your goal. But this is not the case!

It's being smart! If you realize that a goal is no longer relevant to you or a priority in your life, then you should change it.

Plus, if you realize that you made a goal way too difficult, you should adjust it. This way it is actually attainable for the time frame you need to reach it in.

For example, if you are a new blogger and you set a goal to reach 10,000 followers your first year. You get halfway through the year and you have only reached 1,000 followers, even though you have been working really hard to reach your goal. Should you keep the goal of reaching 10,000 followers, even though the chances of reaching that number are very slim?

No, if you realize that you set a goal that isn't attainable, you should change it. (More on this later)

Back to our scenario, you decide to change your goal to 2,500 followers by the end of the year. Because you are already almost halfway to your goal, you will be more motivated to complete it.

If you left your goal at 10,000 and you only reached 2,500 followers by the end of the year, you might feel like you failed your goal entirely even though you worked so hard to reach it. You don't deserve that!

After all that, I hope I persuaded you that the goals that you set at the beginning of the year are not set in stone. On to the next step! :)

How to Re-Evaluate Your Yearly Goals

Side Note - This is one of my first bullet journal layouts that I set up sideways and I think it turned out pretty well! You might notice that for some of my goals, the charts are empty. This is because I haven't finished my goal evaluation for this layout yet, but I was excited about this method and bullet journal layout, so I wanted to share it with you. :)

3. Add New Goals to Your List

At the beginning of the year, I set 22 goals for 2021, so I added a few new goals to my list to replace the goals that I decided were no longer relevant and I don't want/need to complete them anymore.

If your life has changed a good deal, you might want to add some new goals to your list. For example, if you started a new hobby, you might want to set a new goal or if you crossed off a lot of your goals as irrelevant, then you might want to set some new goals.

Just make sure that they are small enough that you will be able to complete them in six months or however long the rest of the year is, depending on when you are doing this check-in on your goals.

4. Revise Your Goals

Okay, this is the tricky part! Now it is time to look at each of your goals, and estimate whether you are actually going to have time to finish each of them.

If you cut your goal into smaller parts and you realize that you won't have enough time to do the whole thing by the end of the year, then you can simply cut down on how large your goal is. You can also change the goal going back to step #2.

How to Re-Evaluate Your Yearly Goals

5. Planning for the Future

Yay! Now it is time for the fun part (At least in my opinion)! On my bullet journal layout at this point, I made a chart that I filled in for each goal, showing how far along I am on each goal.

So far for 2021, I have been having a crazy busy year, so I have only actually fully completed one of my goals. Yikes! But I am close to finishing a bunch of my other goals. I have also started almost all of my goals, so I think by the end of the year, I will be able to catch up!

Back to the bullet journal layout, this just gives me a visual element so I can see at a glance how far along I am on each of my goals. You might write down a fraction like 1/4 or 3/5 to make your layout more minimalist. It's totally up to you, which is one of my main reasons for loving the bullet journal system!

After you have done all of this, you can now plan on how you are going to reach your goals by the end of the year!

I added some of my goals onto my summer bucket list, so I can remember to do my goals as I am working on doing the fun things on my summer bucket list.

How to Re-Evaluate Your Yearly Goals

How to Re-Evaluate Your Yearly Goals

And that is how I check in on my goals for the year to see how I am doing! I hope you found this post helpful!

This bullet journal layout can be tweaked to fit your own bullet journal style. This layout can be created as many times as you want during the year to help you see how well you are doing on your goals.

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Have a productive week and good luck with your goals!
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How to Re-Evaluate Your Yearly Goals

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