31 Days to a Happier + More Productive Life Challenge
There are millions of articles, if not billions of articles out there on how to be more productive, how to have a happier life, how to be more successful, how to create a life you love, etc. But out of all of the countless articles, you've read, how many times have you actually followed the advice given? Sometimes, there is just so much advice out there, that it can be very overwhelming to try and figure out what you should do first.

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Updated for 2024
Should you start journaling or should you exercise regularly? Should you meditate daily or should you read a personal development book? Maybe you should do all of these things at once?!?
It can be extremely challenging to decide what to start with on your journey to improve your life, so I've decided to make it easier for you by creating this 31 days to a happier and more productive life challenge. Each day will have a simple task that you complete during the day to help you improve your life. Each task should only take at the most around 20 minutes, so it will be easy to incorporate into your day.
Along with each task, I give tips for completing the task, but you can do it however you want!
Then at the end of the thirty-one days, you can decide which of the tasks you liked doing (the ones that helped you improve your life the most), and you can turn those tasks into habits that you do every day.
Recommended Post - 7 Ways to Effectively Create Habits
Another way to complete this challenge is to have each day build upon the one before. On the first day you do the first task, the second day you do the first task and the second task, the third day you do the first task, the second task, and the third task. But be aware that at the end of the thirty-one days, you will have thirty-one tasks to do so it will be a large time commitment.
And one more thing... it's a good idea to look at your commitment for the day early in the morning or the night before just so you know what you are getting yourself into the next day. You may want to bookmark this page and set a reminder on your phone so you don't forget!
If you want to improve your life one small step at a time, then you are in the right place! Let's dive right in!
31 Days to a Happer + More Productive Life Challenge
1. Write in a Journal
2. Write What You are Grateful For
3. Spend Time in Nature Unplugged
4. Skip Social Media Today
5. Watch a TED Talk
6. Listen to a Podcast
- Before Breakfast
- The School of Greatness
- Where There's Smoke
7. Read an Inspirational Article Online
- Secret Sneaky Ways You Can Actually Multi-Task
- Why You Need to Start a Night Routine + How to Create One
- How to Find Time to Exercise More + Stay Motivated
- How to Increase Your Productivity When You are Online

8. Read a Chapter in a Personal Development Book
- Better than Before by Gretchen Rubin
- The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
- Atomic Habits by James Clear
- 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam
9. Write Your To-Do List for Today or Tomorrow
10. Track Your Time
11. Track Your Mood
12. Go to Bed at Least 15 Minutes Earlier
13. Wake Up at Least 15 Minutes Earlier
14. Try a New Hobby

15. Plan + Prep One or More of Your Meals for Tomorrow
16. Pick Out Your Outfit for Tomorrow + Put All of These Items in One Spot
17. Recite Affirmations in the Morning
- Today is going to be a great day!
- I am beautiful and loved.
- I am smart and successful.
18. Clean a Room in Your House for 15-20 Minutes
19. Set a Goal or Re-evaluate Your Goals for the Year
20. Try Meditating
21. Change up Your Look

22. Do Service
23. Write a Kind Note to Yourself
24. Make a Vision Board
25. Take a Break
26. Declutter Your Phone or Laptop
27. Change Up Your Eating Habits
28. Exercise
29. Avoid Distractions
30. Identify a Bad Habit You are Going to Remove From Your Life
31. Identify a New Positive Habit You are Going to Implement Into Your Life

31 Days to a Happier + More Productive Life
- Secret Sneaky Ways You Can Actually Multi-Task
- How to Increase Your Productivity When You are Online
- Tips for Creating a Productive Morning Routine
- How to Stop Procrastinating + Be More Productive