How to Keep Up With Your BuJo Trackers + Collections
Habit trackers. One of the best parts of using the bullet journal system, right? Well, that is if you can stick to the tracker long enough to make the habit stick. Sometimes, bullet journal trackers and collections can be super hard to stick to. When you make the layout, you are really excited to use it, but then somehow your motivation wears off, and the page ends up unused, and the habit is never mastered. Today is the day to change that!
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Updated for 2024
I've been bullet journaling for a while now (I started in 2018 to be exact), and one aspect of the system that I have struggled with and many other people have struggled with is... keeping up with habit trackers.
I'm sure we can agree that making habits are hard, but it's even harder when you can't seem to keep up with the tracker that is supposed to be helping you make your habit.
If you have been struggling to form habits, you may want to read the following articles because there are many other ways to create habits besides using a habit tracker.
- How to Easily Create Habits in 6 Simple Steps
- Atomic Habits by James Clear Book Review
- 7 Ways to Effectively Create Habits
How to Keep Up With Your Bullet Journal Trackers + Collections
1. Make a Habit of Using Your Bullet Journal
- Incorporate bullet journaling into your daily routine.
- Keep your bullet journal in an easily accessible location.
- Carry your bullet journal around with you.
- Add an alarm to your phone to remind yourself to use your bullet journal.
- Don't force yourself to use your bullet journal.
2. Use Tabs
3. Use a Monthly or Weekly Bullet Journal Catch-Up
4. Accept That You Won't Use All of Your Trackers + Collections
5. Keep the Layout as Simple as Possible
6. Try a New Layout
7. Find the Right Time to Fill in the Tracker
8. Don't Expect Perfection
9. Have All of Your Trackers in One Place
10. Make a Bullet Journal Routine
How to Keep Up With Your Bullet Journal Trackers + Collections
- My 10 Most Helpful Bullet Journal Layouts of 2020
- How to Migrate to a New Bullet Journal
- Should You Use a Bullet Journal or Planner?
- Tips for Improving Your Bullet Journal Quote Pages