I can't believe I'm saying this, but I have been running this blog for four years now! When I started blogging, I never imagined that it would become such an important part of my life. I'm happy to have this little corner of the internet where I can share my ideas, tips, and everything else I'm learning on this crazy journey of life!
Side Note - This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you buy something from one of these links, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. For more information, you can read my privacy policy. Thank you for supporting my blog. :)
Updated for 2024
Since I've been blogging for four years now, I have a few other posts that you might want to read if you are interested in starting your own blog, or if you just want an inside look at the journey of being a blogger. You can read the other posts in this series below...
If you look back at my first post, I think it will be clear, just how much my writing has improved since I started! 😂 Now, let's get into the highlights of this year, and my most popular posts!
Blogging Milestones From This Past Year
Pageviews on my blog have more than doubled since last year. My articles have now been viewed almost half a million times, which to me is pretty exciting!
2024 update - now well over a million times!
This year, I also started making a consistent income with my blog, so thank you to all of you who support my little corner of the internet!
My most popular posts of all time are...
- The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Capsule Wardrobe
- 7 Outdated Style Rules That Should be Broken
- Fun + Productive Things to do While at Home
- 10 Things to do This Weekend to be More Productive
As a thank you to all of you who support my blog, I am going to be hosting a giveaway so make sure you scroll to the bottom of this post for the details!
Productive Pixie Blog Q+A
I have been blogging for four years now, and I have never answered your questions in a post! Today, I picked out some of the questions you have asked me to answer below. I know that I didn't get to all of your questions, but I didn't want this post to be too long. Thank you for submitting your questions! These questions are in no particular order. :)
1. What made you want to start this blog? How do you keep motivated to continue on with it?
To be totally honest, I started this blog entirely on a whim! 😂 A few years ago, I had an online shop, so one day I started this blog for the shop (which I have since closed because I realized that I like writing more than I liked running that shop). The direction of this blog has changed quite a bit since I started it, but I still love doing it!
To be 100% transparent, I do make money with this blog, so that definitely is a motivation to continue with it, but I also enjoy writing, and I genuinely want to help people improve their lives. If I can improve even just one person's life with what I write, then I'm doing a good job and it is worth it!
Sometimes, blogging can be discouraging, especially when I'm having a slow month for pageviews and engagement... but then I'll get a message like this... "I really appreciate what you do and you motivate us ❤️", and it really helps me to keep going with this blog. :)
2. What are some of your hobbies?
Ooo good question! I have a lot of hobbies so I'm just going to list them below. Let me know in the comments if we have any in common. :)
- I've been doing ballet since I was 3 or 4 years old.
- I did gymnastics for 6 years, and I participated in swim team.
- Anything creative! (bullet journaling, painting, DIY crafts)
- I do long-distance running.
- Writing is super fun to me as long as I like the subject.
- I play the piano and I sing.
When I'm just relaxing, I like to play games with my family, read, and watch movies.
3. What made you want to start being more organized? Were you stuck in a rut, moved into a new place, or just thought it was time to get more organized with your life?
I'm a very type-A, goal-oriented person so I've been using some sort of planner since fourth or fifth grade. As my life became busier (because it always does, doesn't it?), I started honing in on experimenting with different organization techniques.
Plus, I love being creative so trying out different methods of getting my life together is fun to me!
4. What's your favorite dessert?
I'm a huge fan of so many types of desserts! My favorite dessert would either have to be cake or orange rolls. I am whole-food plant-based though, so my desserts are probably made a little differently than yours lol.
5. Was it easy for you to get organized?
I had to include this question in this list! 😂 From my blog posts, it may seem like I am super organized and I have my whole life together, but I wouldn't say that I am really organized. Each day, I just work on improving a little bit.
I believe that becoming organized is a continuing process, so I wouldn't say that it is easy because I am still working on it!
6. What's your dream job? Are you going to continue with this blog and [keep on writing] inspirational posts?
My dream job has changed a little bit as I've gotten older. When I was younger, I wanted to be a professional dancer, and then I wanted to have my own dance studio. Then when I started this blog, I realized how much I love writing so I may want to go into freelance writing.
I have always been a very type-A, goal-oriented person so I definitely want to be an entrepreneur!
As for continuing with writing posts on this blog, I plan on doing it indefinitely into the future, but my posting schedule may change as I become older and my schedule becomes busier. I'm glad you think my posts are inspirational! :)
7. If you had an opportunity to go anywhere, where would it be?
My dream vacation would be to travel to Europe. Of course, I would have to go see the Eiffel Tower, and take some pictures in front of it!
My style is also influenced by European fashions (mainly Parisian fashions), so I would want to go shopping!
4-Year Blog Anniversary Giveaway
Now, it's time for the giveaway! Woohoo! As some of you may already know, I am working on starting an Etsy shop so I can sell items that I design and create myself. I have decided to give away 9 products from my shop for free to 3 lucky winners! Each winner will receive 3 products of their choice.
Please note that all of the items in my shop currently are downloads so you will not be receiving any physical products if you win.
1. Giveaway Rules
1. Eligibility
You can participate in this giveaway as long as you are 13 years of age (if you are under the age of 13, you must have your parent's permission). I will need your email address to send you your prizes.
2. Sponsorship
This contest is sponsored by my new Etsy shop Productive Pixie Co! There aren't many products in the shop right now, but I will be adding more products throughout the year, and winners will be able to redeem their free products at any time throughout the year.
3. Agreement to Rules
By entering this giveaway, you are agreeing to all of the rules in this list.
4. Entry Period
This giveaway ends on March 12, 2022, at 12 PM Pacific Standard Time. No entries after that will be permitted.
5. Selection and Notification of the Winner
The winners will be notified the day after the giveaway by email. I will not be held responsible if winners do not receive the notification that they have won. Winners are selected at random.
6. Terms & Conditions
As the sponsor, I reserve the right to modify, suspend, cancel or terminate the giveaway in the event that non-authorized human intervention, a bug or virus, fraud, or other causes beyond my control impact or corrupt the security, fairness, proper conduct, or administration of the giveaway.
I also reserve the right to disqualify anyone who violates the terms, as well as my right to seek damages to the fullest extent permitted by law in cases where a participant has caused deliberate damage or undermined the legal operation of the giveaway.
7. Affirmation of Acceptance of and Agreement to All of the Official Rules
By entering the contest, you have affirmatively reviewed, accepted, and agreed to all of these rules. Good luck!
2. The Prizes
I am gifting three (3) lucky winners three (3) products each of their choice from my new Etsy shop! These products do not have to be redeemed all at once. They can be redeemed at any time throughout the year as new items are added to the shop. At the end of 2022, if you have not redeemed all 3 products, you forfeit them.
You have the chance to win 3 free items from my shop! You can enter multiple times a day so make sure you save this post and come back to it frequently! Good luck everyone and thank you for supporting my blog!
This giveaway has ended.
4 Years Blogging Q+A Plus a Giveaway
I am so grateful to have reached another milestone on this blog, and I hope that there are many more years of blogging to come!
If you liked this post, you will enjoy reading the ones below too!
- How to Set New Year's Resolutions You'll Actually Achieve
- 183 Journal Prompts to Inspire a Better Life
- 31 Days to a Happier + More Productive Life Challenge
- How to Find Time to Exercise More + Stay Motivated
You are awesome! Have a great week and keep on being productive!

Pin this post if you like reading my articles. Thank you! :)
February 26, 2022